Standard Sailing Instructions

1. Rules

All races at this club will be governed by Yachting New Zealand’s Racing Rules of Sailing & Safety Regulations 2021-2024 (or any subsequent versions) , the rules of participating classes (except as altered by these sailing instructions), and these Sailing Instructions.

The Sailing Committee, as defined in the above Rules, is the Mount Pleasant Yacht Club (MPYC) Sailing Committee.

The “Race Information” includes any information published for the particular race. Generally this will be information on Race Information Boards displayed at the Club, but also includes information in the Canterbury Yachting Association Handbook, or any special information displayed for particular races such as Class Championships.

2. Entries

Entries are to be recorded by completing the official MPYC Entry Sheet with the following details:

  • Yachting NZ club you are a member of (e.g MPYC)
  • Class of yacht including sail size (e.g Laser Standard)
  • Sail Number (e.g 196911)
  • Skipper’s Name
  • Crew Name if applicable
  • Skipper’s signature

When you sign the Entry Sheet you are indicating to the Race Officer that you have agreed to sail the race in accordance with these Sailing Instructions.

The Race Officer may refuse an entry if the skipper or yacht does not meet the requirements of these Sailing Instructions.

Championship and Handicap race entries must be made at least 20 minutes before the start of the first race of the day.

Mark Foy race entries must be made at least 45 minutes before the race’s start time.

Unless noted as an Open event, visitors from YNZ affiliated Clubs are welcome to race but are not eligible to win Club trophies.

Yachts must start in at least two Club races to become eligible to win any trophy.

Any member whose subscription is unpaid after November 30 is not eligible to race, and will not be eligible to win any trophy.

3. Classes and Divisions

The Classes and Divisions used for races at this Club are as follows. The abbreviations shown are those used when shortening courses, or referring to particular groups on race information boards.

Optimist (OP) P Class (PC) Starling (ST) Sunburst (SU) Zephyr (ZE) Laser (LA) Open (ON)
Paper Tiger (PT)

4. Divisions

Senior (S) and Junior (J)

5. Changes to Sailing Instructions

Any changes to Sailing Instructions for particular races or days will be shown on a racing information board 30 minutes prior to the Warning Signal of the first start.

6. Schedule of Races

  1. The start time for the first race each day will be published on this website.
  2. The Race Officer may revise the start times from those advertised to cater for the numbers of boats, state of the tide or wind, availability of support people, or any other reason.
  3. Start times for all races will be displayed on the race information boards displayed at the clubhouse.

7. Flags for Boat Starts

The Class/Division Code Flags for Boat Starts will be specified on the race information boards. In some cases classes may be grouped together. They will then be issued with a start number such as
P-Class + Opti’s + Firebugs Start No = 1

8. Courses

The courses to be sailed will be displayed on racing information boards at least 15 minutes before the Warning Signal.

9. The Start Line

All starts at MPYC are from a line extending from the orange flag on the Committee boat at the starboard end to a laid/permanent mark at the port end.

All marks which define starting and finishing lines shall rank as marks of the course for the particular Class/Division using that starting and finishing line.

Yachts shall keep clear of their starting line before the Preparatory Signal for their particular Class/Division.

10. Starting

The starting sequence will be as follows:

  • 3 mins before start – Warning – Class or Division Flag is raised plus long burst from the horn
  • 2 mins before start – Preparatory – P flag is raised plus a short burst from the horn
  • 1 mins before start – P flag is removed plus one long burst from the horn
  • Start – Class or Division flag is removed plus one short burst from the horn

11. Recalls


Contrary to Racing Rules of Sailing, Rule 29.1, the Individual Recall shall be:

In the event of a premature starter or starters one further sound signal and Code Flag X will be displayed. The onus shall lie with the yacht or yachts concerned to return and start correctly.


Contrary to Racing Rules of Sailing, Rule 29.2, the General Recall shall be:

Two Sound Signals with First Substitute displayed directly after the start signal. For the Class involved in a General Recall, their new Warning Signal shall be the Starting Signal of the Class scheduled to start last.

12. Shortening Course

Racing Rules of Sailing, Rule 32, will apply.

13. Finish

The finish line will be between an Orange flag on the Committee Boat and the nearby mark at the port end.

14. Time Limit

The time limit for the first leg of any race shall be 15 minutes. Any boat failing to finish within 15 minutes of the first finishing boat shall be automatically scored DNF.

15. Protests

Protests must be lodged verbally with the Race Officer within 10 minutes of the last boat’s finish of the race in question. Every endeavour will be made to hear protests within one hour of the last race of the sailing day.

16. Points

Unless otherwise stated, the scoring system to be used for Club Series, is the Low Point System, based on Appendix A-A9 of the Racing Rules of Sailing.

For the season points tally, the following additional rules apply:

  • The Rinderle B High Point Scoring System is used.
  • A race must consist of at least three boats in the same division to count towards the seasonal points tally
  • Race position is based on the adjusted PY handicap position.
  • PY handicaps may be modified from time to time by the sailing committee to ensure fairness of racing.

17. Safety Regulations

  • All persons taking part in races sailed from this Club do so at their own risk.
  • Any sailor with a health concern which could affect them while sailing should advise the Starting Box Officials who will provide them with a form to complete so that their concern can be taken into account by the Club.
  • The club is not responsible for the sea-worthiness or adequacy of equipment of any yacht for which an entry has been accepted for any race under its control.
  • It shall be the sole responsibility of the skipper of each yacht to decide whether or not to start or continue in any race.
  • Personal buoyancy complying with Yachting New Zealand Safety Regulations Appendix 4 shall be worn by all persons taking part in races at this Club.
  • Environment Canterbury Navigation Safety Bylaws 2016 will he observed at all times when participating in this Club’s on the water activities.

18. Hazardous Conditions

It is the sole discretion of the Race Officer to decide if conditions are appropriate for racing. The Race Officer may decide at any time that the weather conditions have become, or are likely to become, too hazardous for races underway to be completed and will immediately cancel any races underway and advise all boats to return to shore.

Conditions can occasionally be so severe that signals cannot be made or displayed. Sailors should always be aware that they are responsible for their own safety, and take whatever action is necessary to ensure this.

Safety of people is paramount in these circumstances, and rescue personnel will take whatever actions they deem necessary to ensure this. Sailors should assist by following instructions, and also assisting others if possible.